Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tomorrow is the day! Freshman scholar orientation begins tomorrow morning! 

Throughout the past five weeks I have already grown so much; I am so much more comfortable in my own skin in the classroom than I was when I accepted my job. Seeing how much I have grown has made me even more eager for school to start! 

I am SO excited to meet the class of 2021. I am thrilled to meet the scholars that will make up my advisory, the Michigan advisory, and build relationships with them. More to come on this after I've experienced a few days as an official teacher, but in the meantime, here are some pictures to hold you over. :) 

Me wearing my "tapron" (teacher apron) which will house dry erase markers, pencils, my phone, bathroom passes, and other teacher-like items. FYI this was hand-made by a colleague of mine who let us pick out our fabric and sewed them for us. Amazing!

My classroom! 

I am seriously not sure if I'll be able to fall asleep tonight. I am so blessed!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Wonderful World of...PD?

I've officially been living in New Orleans for 4 days now and have been attending professional development for my new job for 3 days, so I thought it would be a good time to update everyone on my life: my apartment and my new job.

First thing's first: my apartment. The apartment is relatively nice, but there are a few drawbacks. I realized after signing a lease and moving in that I don't have a dishwasher, for example. This really isn't that big of a deal, but a dishwasher was something I had gotten used to. I don't have central air but I have 2 window units so my apartment can be quite chilly if I want it to be. I haven't actually done any unpacking yet--partly because I have NO furniture down here--but I think it's going to be a nice place. My landlords are very nice people and have helped me settle in. They actually have a pet rooster in the backyard which is pretty cool. I can't hear it from my bedroom but I can hear it cock-a-doodle doo-ing from my bathroom every morning while I get ready.

As for my job, I don't think I could've found a better place if I had all the time in the world! Today was day 3 of a 5-week professional development session before school begins. Usually I dislike PD. Most teachers, whether they are novices or veterans, tend to think PD is useless (in general). This is SO different. I think there are several factors that contribute to this, but it is such a relief to know that I will enjoy myself for the next few weeks. Who would've thought that professional development from 8am until 5pm would be enjoyable?? My boss is knowledgeable and incredibly attune to the thoughts and feelings of myself and the rest of the team. The returning team members have welcomed us all with open arms and have made me feel comfortable. Even though I have "homework" each night, I am genuinely happy about doing it. All of the PD we have done has been directly related to what we will be doing in the school year, meaning it is ALL useful. One of the most exciting things for me personally is the high caliber of people I am surrounded by each day when I go to my PD. Everyone is warm, welcoming, and encouraging. When I explained to a few people that I am living alone and don't know anyone (or anything) in the city I was invited to dinner by several of them. People offered to take me to restaurants, bars, and pools. When she heard that I did not have a current registration for my car one of my colleagues offered to drive me to and from school each day until I was able to get it taken care of.

ALSO, at the school there are college references everywhere, including the walkways that take scholars from building to building. Check out this awesome piece of artwork--GO BLUE!

Living alone is tough, but the people I am working with and for have gone above and beyond in making it easier for me. I'm nervous for the school year, but am confident in the decision I made to come down here.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Starting a New Chapter...

Wow! It has been forever since I last blogged...I actually forgot I had this! Now that I am embarking on a new journey and starting a new chapter in my life I have decided to take blogging up again.

What journey, you ask?

New Orleans. In less than a week I will be moving to the wonderfully hot, humid city of New Orleans to begin my teaching career. I accepted the job less than a week ago and am already packing up my life to move 1,054 miles away. Goodbye Great Lakes, Red Wings, Michigan Wolverines, Blimpie Burger, and everything Pure Michigan. Bring on the Mardi Gras, Drew Brees, cajun food, and culture shock!

I'm feeling a mix of emotions, but I am so eager to move forward and grow as an individual and an educator.

Cheers to starting a new chapter!